用娱乐的方式锻炼你的最强大脑!空间和记忆是人类智力的体现,通过训练可以开发大脑的潜能,使得技巧更熟练;PlaneRubikSprite 图灵魔方游戏就是一种有益大脑智力开发的游戏;
Exercise your strongest brain in an entertaining way! Space and memory are the embodiment of human intelligence. Through training, the potential of the brain can be developed, making the skills more proficient; PlaneRubikSprite Turing Rubik’s Cube game is a game that is beneficial to the development of brain intelligence;
与现实的6种颜色魔方不同,PlaneRubikSprite 图灵魔方每一个表面都关联了一个精灵图片。这些精灵图片可以随心自由选择,再加上可以变换的背景音乐,在训练最强大脑的同时获得娱乐的时光;
Different from the real Rubik’s Cube with 6 colors, Each surface of the PlaneRubikSprite Turing Rubik’s Cube is associated with a sprite picture. These sprite pictures can be freely chosen at will, coupled with the changeable background music, while training the strongest brain, get entertainment time;
PlaneRubikSprite 图灵魔方游戏中提供了各种各样的图灵。有风景类的图灵,也有动物类的,植物类的,还有文化传说类的,总之有丰富的图灵可以供游戏选择,并且图灵会不断更新;在游戏的一开始,就需要选择6个图灵,用来关联魔方的6个表面;别忘了有些图灵还有自己的动画效果呢;
PlaneRubikSprite A variety of sprite image are provided in the Turing Rubik’s Cube game. There are landscape , animals, plants, and cultural legends. In short, there are a wealth of sprite images for the game to choose from, and sprite images will be constantly updated; at the beginning of the game, you need to choose 6 sprite images, used to associate the 6 surfaces of the Rubik’s Cube; don’t forget that some sprite images have their own animation effects;
PlaneRubikSprite 图灵魔方游戏中只展示了一个表面,但是魔方的阶数可以自定以,从2-9进行选择设置,也就是说魔方的每一个表面都可以设置成2至9个格子;格子数目越多,难度也越大;
PlaneRubikSprite Only one surface is shown in the Turing Rubik’s Cube game, but the grids of the Rubik’s Cube can be customized, to choose and set in the range of 2-9, that is to say Each surface of the Rubik’s Cube can be set into 2-9 grids; the more grids, the greater the difficulty;
PlaneRubikSprite 图灵魔方游戏有 两种模式可供选择,模式1: 随机打乱模式,一开始后台根据当前的level随机打乱一定的步数,然后玩家尝试还原;模式2:自我打乱模式,一开始玩家根据当前的level打乱一定的步数,然后玩家尝试还原;初始level打乱3步,level每升1级,打乱步数递增1;
Two modes are available in game PlaneRubikSprite. Mode 1: Random scramble mode. At first, the background randomly scrambles a certain number of steps according to the current level, and then the player tries to restore; Mode 2: Self scramble mode, the player starts scramble a certain number of steps, according to the current level and then the player tries to restore; the initial level scrambles 3 steps, and the number of scrambled steps increases by 1 for each level up;
PlaneRubikSprite game only shows one surface of the Rubik’s Cube, and the other surfaces are hidden, so players need to have strong space and memory capabilities;